Course curriculum

  • 1

    The Importance of Cultural Values in Global Marketing And Sales

    • An Introduction to the buyer's journey

    • Pre-sales and motivation: an introduction to the self-determination theory

    • Post-sales and satisfaction: an introduction to the expectation confirmation theory

  • 2

    An Introduction to Market Segmentation

    • The four types of consumer segmentation

    • Advertising as an educating process: the influence of cultural values on consumer behaviour

    • Case Study: "Deviance or uniqueness, harmony or conformity?" Individual choices in different cultural contexts

    • Pop Quiz

  • 3

    Consumer Segmentation, Business Examples

    • China: when tradition meets innovation

    • China: when innovation fails to meet tradition

    • Turkey: entertainment and a chance to "show off"

    • Israel: bringing Frappuccino to the Holy Land (not)

    • US: a controversial "dissertation on American values"

    • Connecting the dots: the curious link between Israel and France

  • 4

    Wrapping up: final notes, assessment, evaluation survey, support

    • Tips and resources to build buyer personas

    • Knowledge check

    • Evaluation survey

    • Post course support

  • 5


    • Reading list

About this course:

Who will benefit from it, and what they'll learn.

“Until you understand your customers - deeply and genuinely - you cannot hope to serve them.”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru -


Dear Learner,

Before we discuss the purpose and the intended outcome of this course, please allow me to thank you for choosing Mudita's School, and to share the story behind its name with you:

"Mudita" is a word from Sanskrit that indicates a particular kind of joy, the pleasure that comes from delighting in other people's well-being and prosperity. 

Mudita Consultancy aims to provide learners with the "cultural knowledge" that will help them thrive in a globalized environment, and to equip them with the tools to implement the best strategies and growth solutions for their businesses.

At the end of this short course on Psychographic Segmentation - designed for those professionals who seek to improve the relationships with their customers through deep, mutual understanding - you will be able to:

  1. list the five stages of the buyer's journey and illustrate their individual purpose;
  2. recognize the needs involved in the Self-Determination Theory with regard to buyer behaviour;
  3. identify the differences between autonomous- and controlled motivation;
  4. outline the four components of the Expectation Confirmation Theory and explain their impact on post-purchasing behaviour;
  5. provide examples of the four main types of market segmentation;
  6. compare the components of the AIO model (Attitudes, Interests, Opinions) and distinguish among the different types of AIO statements; 
  7. clarify how cultural values affect consumer behaviour;
  8. contrast different marketing approaches and assess the outcomes.

Hope you'll enjoy the course, and thank you once again for choosing Mudita's School!



Since 2020 has been financially challenging for many of the people who are part of this amazing community, Mudita will opt for a PWYW scheme until the end of year.

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